
Showing posts from March, 2007

March the 23rd

March the 23rd 128 years ago, a human, for all of us a hero called Eduardo Avaroa, was fighting and trying to bear up the attack of the Chilean soldiers sponsored by the British, as you may know, it was impossible to contain such a big pressure, and our martyrs, lost their lives fighting against the invaders, well there is a lot to complain about it, now a days the situation is the same, except for the switch of the lightning on the March 23rd Ave. in Berkeley. The 23rd is the only day we feel that kind of enthusiasm and we talk a lot about it, we show our tricolor flags, go to march in large parades with our best look. To tell you the truth I’ve never liked to go to parades with my school fashioned look, that’s why these days when I was more young I preferred going to parades with the school band, I remember my first participation 10 years ago for the brass players more specifically the baritone, I was 14 years old. Well it’s a huge story I remember I continued to go to parades with t...

Breaking news...

I’ve first read the words “breaking news” at CNN on September 11th, 2001, in Spanish could be “urgente”, but at this point I’d say muy importante. The breaking news is that there are no breaking news, besides that I`ve just said good bye to my job on the show business, Why? As I wrote before on the 1st English kind of essay the last Friday; I was giving the TV show a second try for a month, well the same day I ran into “the boss” office and told him that I need a breath, although I liked the show I couldn’t go this second month, He didn’t consent, of course, because I was doing a great job, since I didn’t have the time enough to do my “normal life” activities: Feed the dog, eat at noon w/mum, make the bed, wash my clothes, do my homework, take a nap, visit my friends at 3251, travel, drnk, write on this blog, watch movies, go shopping, etc. I believe it was the right decision, every single day I had something to do; now I have at least one day to continue with my mankind life. That’s a...

Let’s Give Another Try

Here I am, closer to receive my third payment, well it’s quite hard for me to believe that in two weeks I will be working 4 months in the call centre. In contrast, there are more than 3 months that I changed my eating style, I guess I might not be the only one, we are 25 people in the morning shift that are not used to eat at noon. What’s more, I’m sure many of us only have dinner instead of lunch, (I like it better…) Well let’s finish talking about my eating habits, I am fine. How about my second job, I began working at “la nueva bola 8” one moth ago. I always liked the TV (not for working, but for entertaining) Me and the TV in Bolivia grew up together. I remember I began working at Red Uno for half a year, then TVB for 7 months, and now I am in Bolivisión; the most luxurious channel I’ve worked at. There are countless things I like about the TV shows and Tv channels, I presume the most important is that everything you see on the floor is far different on the TV, that’s of course the...

Toyota Japan Logo.

Uno de esos Sábados en que no hay otra cosa más que ordenar, limpiar, lavar, todo lo que uno ensucia durante la semana y no tiene tiempo de hacerlo durante “los días hábiles”, me tocó lavar el autito después de irlo a empolvar por El Alto, más específicamente a la Zona Franca de El Alto. Bueno al limpiar las puertas, empolvadas, me di cuenta que había un logotipo grabado en el metal, ¿Qué parece? “Parece que dice TEQ...”. No tenía la menor idea de su significado, me puse manos a la obra revisando los lugares donde estaba este singular dibujito; estaba en el gato, la llave L, los limpiaparabrisas, en la guantera, las chapas, prácticamente estaba en la carrocería. Un poco intrigado, me dedique a bichar durante la semana todos los coches TOYOTA a los que me subía, el logo estaba en todos. Me puse a investigar en Google, descubrí lo siguiente. El bonito logo que ostentaba el carro eran las palabras TO-YO-TA en alfabeto japonés (Katakana) Katakana es el alfabeto para palabras extranjeras, e...