Hard emotions to tell regarding my HardDisk

Months ago I fought against the virus that makes the floppy drive make a muffled noise (W32/WEBPERLOVGA.A.1.) I couldn’t beat it, and then I went to Uncle Blas’ PCC “PC Care Center” with my “30GB Quantum HD”. I can’t even explain what happened; literally it burned one of the microchips, of the base plate, when we installed the HD as a slave on Blas’ PC. I buried my anger and didn’t tell anything, Since he told me the base plate can be replaced if I can find the same plate “things happen, I can handle it!, I have the money!”. Although my effort to manage it I knew in my deeper mind that I’ve lost something really important, moreover it was until the past Tuesday that I faced the truth, when I went to “Little Silicon Valley” (Eloy Salmon St.) in order to have the plate replaced, I found the part from a broken HardDisk, “how much” 25 bucks, Holysh, I’ve got a great deal, If it works after replacing, I can buy it, for 20 Uss or have the data burned in a DVD for 40 Bs., If it didn’t work for the tes I’d pay 10 Bs. The damn thing… someway, somehow it was working but the plate was getting hot, we unplugged the HD, there was no smell to a burned thing, the technician told me “the engine of the HD is broken, and maybe it has overheated the microchips of the 2nd plate, I told him “try it over”, when he plugged the HD it burned the same microchip, the result I lost my data, and paid for the test and the second burned plate.
I don’t really care about my Mp3 files since I have the essential music in Audio Cd’s, but my essays were really important, there were documents created in my college age 2002-2006, my thesis, lots of web pages downloaded in those 6 years, artworks, lyrics, and many pictures taken with my cell phone’s camera, what is next: Amnesia…? this picture is from:http://gfx.ibas.com/news/pictures/head_crash.jpg.