Breaking news...

I’ve first read the words “breaking news” at CNN on September 11th, 2001, in Spanish could be “urgente”, but at this point I’d say muy importante.
The breaking news is that there are no breaking news, besides that I`ve just said good bye to my job on the show business, Why? As I wrote before on the 1st English kind of essay the last Friday; I was giving the TV show a second try for a month, well the same day I ran into “the boss” office and told him that I need a breath, although I liked the show I couldn’t go this second month, He didn’t consent, of course, because I was doing a great job, since I didn’t have the time enough to do my “normal life” activities: Feed the dog, eat at noon w/mum, make the bed, wash my clothes, do my homework, take a nap, visit my friends at 3251, travel, drnk, write on this blog, watch movies, go shopping, etc. I believe it was the right decision, every single day I had something to do; now I have at least one day to continue with my mankind life.
That’s all for today folks. I promise I will improve writing these essays week after week.


R Daniel Tarqui said…
Hi Marc, I’m so tired now, I’ll post you tomorrow, I hope. Drink?, What?, Where?, How could it!
Best regards

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