This MAY be the best MoMth

Yeah, today is the last DAY of MAY, and I broke my promise of writing AT LEAST once a week, sorry for that, I better write faster since I want this essay registered on MAY the 31st not JUNE 1st. Well in order to do a brief review of this month the fifth of the year, let me start with a memorial to Senna(1960-1994), 13 years since his longest race to heaven (I still keep in my mind all the races with the Mclaren Honda, the championships, the poles and the rain acrobatics of the king of Monaco). The same day I had a Bbq with my family, on May the 16th I received my 5th Salary working at TFW, I got my first 10 hundred Bucks. I felt glad for that, I really put my biggest effort to never be absent neither for a minute and I think I improved even more, and I got my first 2 consecutive hundreds (going for the third) and sat again with my old friends (I didn’t want to sit with them until I get a 100). I also purchased a cool mini HI-FI Panasonic CD/MP3 player, it wasn’t easy to get rid of my o...